Courantologie calculee en Baie de Seine

Autre(s) titre(s) Calculated currents in the Seine Bay.
Type Communication avec actes
Date 1985-01-24
Langue(s) Français
Auteur(s) Salomon J
Conférence La Baie de Seine. Colloque National du CNRS, 24-26 avril 1985
Source Actes de colloques. Ifremer. Brest [ACTES COLLOQ. IFREMER.]. 1986
Keyword(s) Density gradients, Mathematical models, Current prediction, Residual flow, Tidal currents, Lagrangian current measurement, Water circulation
Résumé en anglais The movement of water particles in the ocean and littoral zone can be thought of as the result of elementary components superimposed, of which tidal flow is the main factor. Hydrodynamical equations show that these movements are more coupled in the coastal zone than in deep ocean. This characteristic is the result of current intensity, spatial gradients and bottom topography (depth). In the coastal environment tidal flow must be taken into account to study dynamic processes. The tide is not only an alternative movement but is the inducer of a long term current: the residual current. The author uses a bidimensional model to study currents from the depth and vertical structure of residual currents by the effect of density variations.
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