Alimentation du merlan Merlangius merlangus L. en Mer Celtique

Autre(s) titre(s) Feeding of the Celtic Sea whiting Merlangius merlangus L.
Type Article
Date 1985-06
Langue(s) Français
Auteur(s) Du Buit Marie-Henriette, Merlina Frédéric
Source Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes (0035-2276) (ISTPM), 1985-06 , Vol. 49 , N. 1-2 , P. 5-12
Keyword(s) Celtic Sea, ANE, Gadidae, Pisces, Merlangius merlangus, Predator control, Stomach content, Feed composition, Feeding
Résumé en anglais The importance of predation by the whiting (Merlangius merlangus ) from the Celtic Sea has been studied by analysis of stomach contents. Eight hundred and thirteen whitings have been examined during 1984-1986 period. Fish food totalizes 97% of food. It is chiefly a swimming species: no cannibalism has been observed. The daily food index varies between 2 and 4% according to the length and the annual consumption on fishes of nominal catches (11230 t for 1983) would reach 135,000 t corresponding to species already fished for human consumption and the fish meal industry.
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Comment citer 

Du Buit Marie-Henriette, Merlina Frédéric (1985). Alimentation du merlan Merlangius merlangus L. en Mer Celtique. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes, 49(1-2), 5-12. Open Access version :