Presence de Minchinia sp. (Haplosporida - Haplospordiidae) chez le xanthide Rhithropanopeus Harrisii (Gould) tridentatus (Maitland) dans le canal de Caen a la mer.

Autre(s) titre(s) Observation of Minchinia sp. (Haplosporida - Haplosporidiidae) in the xanthid Rhithropanopeus Harrisii (Gould) tridentatus (Maitland) in the canal from Caen to the sea).
Type Article
Date 1974-06
Langue(s) Français
Auteur(s) Marchand Jocelyne
Source Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes (0035-2276) (ISTPM), 1974-06 , Vol. 38 , N. 2 , P. 209-213
Keyword(s) ANE, France, Minchinia, Eurypanopeus depressus, Carcinus maenas, Minchinia costalis, Minchinia nelsoni, Rhithropanopeus tridentatus, Parasitic diseases, Taxonomy, Parasites
Résumé en anglais Continuous observations of a natural population of R.harrisii tridentatus in the canal from Caen to the sea, and dissections of these crabs permitted the discovery of a protozoan parasite belonging to the fam Haplosporidiidae: Minchinia sp. The parasite exists in the American sp R.harrisii in Chesapeake Bay. The sporocysts are localized in the gills, muscles, general cavity, appendages and pericardial sinus. The harmful action of Minchinia sp. induced an important reduction of R.h.tridentatus population on behalf of a Carcinus maenas one, inversions of sex-ratio and a diminution of the numbers of young crabs (<5.5 mm) imperilling the future of the Xanthid population.
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Comment citer 

Marchand Jocelyne (1974). Presence de Minchinia sp. (Haplosporida - Haplospordiidae) chez le xanthide Rhithropanopeus Harrisii (Gould) tridentatus (Maitland) dans le canal de Caen a la mer. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes, 38(2), 209-213. Open Access version :