A note on progress in the bioeconomic modelling of fishing activity in the North Sea

Type Proceedings paper
Date 1993-01-28
Language English
Author(s) Catanzano Joseph, Cunningham S
Meeting ICES
Source ICES working group on Long Term Management, 19-28 January 1993
Mot-Clé(s) SEM
Abstract Over the relatively recent past, bioeconomic modelling has advanced by integrating major theoretical and analytical progress made in both economic and biological modelling. The movements from static towards dynamic models and from global towards analytical models were the first steps in this advance. More recently, research has turned towards veritable optimisation models incorporating risk, asymmetrical information, and chaotic and multiple equilibria. Attempts to validate such models have been based on case studies of more and more homogenous fisheries (jesmall numbers of stocks and exploitation systems) so that the objective function is quite explicit and limited. This change of emphasis has occurred however without a re-consideration of the aim of the models nor of their underlying assumptions (cf bibliography). [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
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Catanzano Joseph, Cunningham S (1993). A note on progress in the bioeconomic modelling of fishing activity in the North Sea. ICES working group on Long Term Management, 19-28 January 1993. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/4217/