Auxiliary Material for Paper 2013PA002599 Precipitation variability within the West Pacific Warm Pool over the past 120 ka: evidence from the Davao Gulf, southern Philippines Nicholas Fraser, Wolfgang Kuhnt, Ann Holbourn, Thomas Blanz Institute of Geosciences, Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany. Timothé Bolliet Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE/IPSL), CNRS-CEA-UVSQ, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Nils Andersen Leibniz-Laboratory for Radiometric Dating and Isotope Research, Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany. Luc Beaufort CEREGE, CNRS-Université Aix-Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, France. Paleoceanography Introduction This auxiliary material contains one text file, one table and four figures pertaining to the study of sediment Core MD06-3075. 1. 2013PA002599-text01.txt 1. Calibration of Uk’37 alkenone unsaturation ratios to SST 2. Estimates of SSTs in the tropical West Pacific Auxiliary Material References Auxiliary Material Table and Figure Captions 2. 2013PA002599-Ts01.pdf Age model of core MD06-3075. 1.1 Column "Type", Type of generated age data (either AMS 14C or Tie points). 1.2 Column "Depth", Depth of sample from the top of the core (cm) 1.3 Column "Calibrated Age", Age of sample calibrated following Fairbanks et al. [2005] (for AMS 14C dates) or age of tie points correlated to the EDML1 Antarctic Ice Core chronology [Ruth et al., 2007] 1.4 Column "Species", Foraminiferal species used for AMS14C dating 1.5 Column "Notes", Any additional notes, e.g. conventional AMS 14C ages prior to calibration, or tie point events. 3. 2013PA002599-Fs01.pdf Uk'37 derived SST records calibrated with the equations of Sozogni et al. [1997] (red line) and Müller et al. [1998] (blue line). Grey vertical bars indicate major marine isotope stages, blue vertical bars indicate H1-6 and the YD. 4. 2013PA002599-Fs02.pdf Expanded isotope and SST records covering the past 20 ka. (a) Greenland (GISP2) ice core δ18O [Stuiver and Grootes, 2000]. (b) Planktonic δ18O record of Core MD06-3075 (black) and MD98-2181 (blue) [Stott et al., 2002; 2007] based upon the surface dwelling foraminifera G. ruber. (c) Uk’37-derived SSTs of Core MD06-3075 (black), and Mg/Ca-derived SSTs from core MD98-2181 (blue). (d) Temperature and ice volume corrected δ18Osw records from MD06-3075 (black) and MD98-2181 (blue). Data from Stott et al. [2002, 2007] has been corrected for ice volume effects following Waelbroeck et al. [2002]. 5. 2013PA002599-Fs03.pdf XRF raw counts of elements Ca (black), Fe (red), Ti (dark blue), Al (orange), Si (green) and K (light blue), and the log-ratio of the sum of these terrigenous elements normalised by Ca (raw data in grey; 10-point smooth in purple). 6. 2013PA002599-Fs04.pdf Top: Normalized power spectra of log(Fe/Ca) and boreal summer insolation (June 21st - September 21st) at 6 °N, together with cross-spectral coherency of both series. Bandwidth is shown by thick black line. 95% confidence interval of non-zero coherency is 0.551. Grey vertical band represents band of precession-scale frequencies. Bottom: Phase spectrum between log(Fe/Ca) and insolation. Positive values indicate lead of insolation over log(Fe/Ca). Cross spectral analysis was performed with Analyseries 2.0 software (Paillard et al., 2006).