Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC NetCDF format manual

Type Report
Date 2023-06-14
Language English
Author(s) Copernicus Marine In Situ Tac Data Management Team
Contributor(s) Carval ThierryORCID, Chalkiopoulos Antonis, Perivoliotis Leonidas, de Alfonso Alonso-Muñoyerro Marta, Manzano Munoz Fernando, Ringheim Lid Sjur, Hammarklint Thomas, Sotiropoulou Maria, Guyot Corentin, Rottlan PazORCID, Corgnati LorenzoORCID, Marinova Veselka, Jandt Simon
DOI 10.13155/59938
Publisher Copernicus Marine in situ TAC
Version V2.0

This document specifies the NetCDF file format of Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC used to distribute ocean In Situ data and metadata. It documents the standards used herein; this includes naming conventions as well as metadata content. It was initiated in March 2019, based on OceanSITES and Argo user's manuals.

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26 1 MB Access on demand
41 552 KB Access on demand
42 556 KB Access on demand
42 629 KB Access on demand
Version 1.43 43 681 KB Open access
Publisher's official version 2.0 28 300 KB Open access
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How to cite 

Copernicus Marine In Situ Tac Data Management Team (2023). Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC NetCDF format manual.