Within-Generation Polygenic Selection Shapes Fitness-Related Traits across Environments in Juvenile Sea Bream

Understanding the genetic underpinnings of fitness trade-o s across spatially variable environments remains a major challenge in evolutionary biology. In Mediterranean gilthead sea bream, first-year juveniles use various marine and brackish lagoon nursery habitats characterized by a trade-o between food availability and environmental disturbance. Phenotypic di erences among juveniles foraging in di erent habitats rapidly appear after larval settlement, but the relative role of local selection and plasticity in phenotypic variation remains unclear. Here, we combine phenotypic and genetic data to address this question. We first report correlations of opposite signs between growth and condition depending on juvenile habitat type. Then, we use single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data obtained by Restriction Associated DNA (RAD) sequencing to search for allele frequency changes caused by a single generation of spatially varying selection between habitats. We found evidence for moderate selection operating at multiple loci showing subtle allele frequency shifts between groups of marine and brackish juveniles. We identified subsets of candidate outlier SNPs that, in interaction with habitat type, additively explain up to 3.8% of the variance in juvenile growth and 8.7% in juvenile condition; these SNPs also explained significant fraction of growth rate in an independent larval sample. Our results indicate that selective mortality across environments during early-life stages involves complex trade-o s between alternative growth strategies


antagonistic pleiotropy, habitat association, fitness trade-off, juvenile growth, polygenic scores, RAD-sequencing, spatially varying selection

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How to cite
Rey Carine, Darnaude Audrey, Ferraton Franck, Guinand Bruno, Bonhomme François, Bierne Nicolas, Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre (2020). Within-Generation Polygenic Selection Shapes Fitness-Related Traits across Environments in Juvenile Sea Bream. Genes. 11 (4). 398 (17p.). https://doi.org/10.3390/genes11040398, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00622/73370/

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