Table 1. The Biogeochemical Provinces Suggested by Longhurst [1998]a Province Name Acronym Number Number of Data Number of Months Shape Substitute S. Pacific Subtropical Gyre SPSG 37 3982 8 - Subantarctic Water Ring SANT 52 4156 9 - Antarctic ANTA 53 1035 8 - South Atlantic Gyral SATL 10 1102 10 - Indian S. Subtropical Gyre ISSG 23 367 6 - S. Subtropical Convergence SSTC 51 820 12 - Indian Monsoon Gyres MONS 22 266 9 - N. Pacific Tropical Gyre (East) NPTE 38 933 10 - Pacific Equatorial Divergence PEQD 40 2550 10 - N. Pacific Tropical Gyre (West) NPTW 35 352 5 - W. Pacific Warm Pool WARM 41 993 5 - Boreal Polar BPLR 1 777 7 - N. Pacific Equatorial Countercurrent PNEC 39 1114 9 - Archipelagic Deep Basins ARCH 42 50 5 - Austral Polar APLR 54 1310 8 - N. Atlantic Tropical Gyral NATR 7 549 10 - N. Pacific Transition Zone NPPF 34 331 7 - Sunda-Arafura Shelves SUND 48 16 2 b N. Atlantic Subtropical Gyral (West) NASW 6 987 11 - Western Tropical Atlantic WTRA 8 420 7 - Eastern Tropical Atlantic ETRA 9 180 5 - Caribbean CARB 17 599 7 - N. Atlantic Subtropical Gyral (East) NASE 18 1226 9 - N. Pacific Epicontinental Sea BERS 30 2708 7 - E. Africa Coastal EAFR 24 195 2 ISSG N. Atlantic Drift NADR 4 1304 9 - NW Arabian Upwelling ARAB 26 149 7 - Atlantic Arctic ARCT 2 858 8 - Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea MEDI 16 623 11 - Kuroshio Current KURO 33 1087 8 - Pacific Subarctic Gyres (East) PSAE 31 745 9 - California Current CALC 44 2118 9 - Australia-Indonesia Coastal AUSW 29 7 1 AUSE+SUND Humboldt Current Coastal HUMB 46 544 6 - Atlantic Subarctic SARC 3 1403 5 - Pacific Subarctic Gyres (West) PSAW 32 54 2 PSAE NW Atlantic Shelves NWCS 15 2522 11 - Tasman Sea TASM 36 116 1 SSTC NE Atlantic Shelves NECS 11 2191 11 - Guinea Current Coastal GUIN 13 30 3 ETRA SW Atlantic Shelves FKLD 20 166 4 - Central American Coastal CAMR 45 97 2 CALC Guianas Coastal GUIA 14 20 1 WTRA Brazil Current Coastal BRAZ 19 100 4 - New Zealand Coastal NEWZ 50 6 1 AUSE+SUND Benguela Current Coastal BENG 21 182 5 - East Australian Coastal AUSE 49 26 2 b Gulf Stream GFST 5 231 7 - China Sea Coastal CHIN 47 141 5 - E. India Coastal INDE 27 88 2 ARAB W. India Coastal INDW 28 93 9 - Alaska Downwelling Coastal ALSK 43 4582 6 - Eastern Canary Coastal CNRY 12 681 8 - Red Sea. Persian Gulf REDS 25 11 1 ARAB aIn order of decreasing areal extent with their name, abbreviation, reference number in Figure 2, number of DMS data, number of months with DMS data, and, where appropriate, the province used as a substitute (see section 2.2 for details). bThe annual pattern in these provinces was constructed by combining DMS data from AUSE and SUND provinces.