Auxiliary material for Paper 2008GL037155 Global ocean heat content 1955-20087 in light of recently revealed instrumentation problems. S. Levitus, J. I. Antonov, T. P. Boyer, R. A. Locarnini, H. E. Garcia, and A. V. Mishonov National Oceanographic Data Center, NOAA, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA Levitus, S., J. I. Antonov, T. P. Boyer, R. A. Locarnini, H. E. Garcia, and A. V. Mishonov (2009), Global ocean heat content 1955–2008 in light of recently revealed instrumentation problems, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L07608, doi:10.1029/2008GL037155. Introduction This is a collection of fourteen figures and a table that are cited and discussed in the main text of this paper. 1. 2008gl037155-fs01.jpg Frequency distribution of 2-degree latitude x 4-degree longitude boxes XBT minus OSD/CTD temperature differences (degree C) for 1999 at 150 m depth. 2. 2008gl037155-fs02.jpg Time series of the number of 2-degree latitude x 4-degree longitude boxes per year of the MBT minus OSD/CTD difference pairs and a similar series for XBT minus OSD/CTD difference pairs. 3. 2008gl037155-fs03.jpg Percent ocean area of 2-degree latitude belts with 2-degree latitude x 4-degree longitude boxes containing XBT minus OSD/CTD differences. 4. 2008gl037155-fs04.jpg (a) Time series of the offsets based on arithmetic mean of the offsets (degree C) between XBT and OSD/CTD data from Gouretski and Koltermann [2007]. (b) Time series of the offsets based on median of the offsets (degree C) between XBT and OSD/CTD data for this study. Calculations are based on at least 30 overlapping 2-degree latitude x 4-degree longitude boxes per year and level. Red indicates positive value, blue indicates negative values. 5. 2008gl037155-fs05.jpg (a) Time series of offsets based on arithmetic mean of the offsets (degree C) between MBT and OSD/CTD data from Gouretski and Koltermann [2007]. (b) Time series of offsets based on the median of the offsets (degree C) between MBT and OSD/CTD for this study. Calculations are based on at least 30 overlapping 2-degree latitude x 4-degree longitude boxes per year and level. Red indicates positive value, blue indicates negative values. 6. 2008gl037155-fs06.jpg Time series (5-year running means) of the temperature corrections based on medians of the differences (degree C) applied to MBT observations. Calculations are based on at least 30 overlapping 2-degree latitude x 4-degree longitude boxes per year and level. 7. 2008gl037155-fs07.jpg Time series of the offsets (degree C) between XBT and OSD/CTD based on the median of the offsets after bias corrections have been applied twice. Calculations are based on at least 30 overlapping 2-degree latitude x 4-degree longitude boxes per year and level. Red indicates positive value, blue indicates negative values. 8. 2008gl037155-fs08.jpg Time series of the offsets (degree C) between MBT and OSD/CTD after bias corrections have been applied twice based on the median of the offsets. Calculations are based on at least 30 overlapping 2-degree latitude x 4-degree longitude boxes per year and level. Red indicates positive value, blue indicates negative values. 9. 2008gl037155-fs09.jpg Yearly time series of ocean heat content (10E+22 J) for the 0-700 m layer from this study and from Domingues et al. [2008] and Ishii and Kimoto [2008]. Linear trends for each series for 1969-2003 given in the upper left portion of the figure. Reference period is 1957-1990. 10. 2008gl037155-fs10.jpg Yearly time series of ocean heat content (10E+22 J) for the 0-700 m layer from Domingues et al. [2008] and based on application of the Wijffels et al. [2008] XBT bias correction to our profile database. Reference period is 1957-1990. 11. 2008gl037155-fs11.jpg Time series (1955-2008) of yearly ocean heat content (10E+22J) for the 0-700 m layer of the world ocean and individual ocean basins. The linear trend is shown in each panel for 1969-2008. The percentage in the upper left of each panel each panel is the percent variance accounted for by the linear trend. The vertical lines centered on each yearly estimate represent +/- 2*S.E. determined from the four individual seasonal estimates of heat content for each year plotted. Reference period is 1955-2006. 12. 2008gl037155-fs12.jpg Seasonal time series of yearly ocean heat content (10E+22 J) for the 0-700 m from this study and their trends for 1969-2008. Reference period is 1955-2006. 13. 2008gl037155-fs13.jpg Yearly time series of ocean heat content (10E+22 J) for the 0-700 m layer based on the all-data yearly fields and the average of the four seasonal yearly fields. Plotted about the average of the four seasonal yearly series is +/- 2*S.E. of the mean for each year based on the four seasonal values. 14. 2008gl037155-fs14.jpg Time series of seasonal OHC700 (10E+22 J) estimates and annual mean of the four seasons. 15. 2008gl037155-ts01.txt Change in ocean heat content and mean temperature for the 0-700 m layer for the world ocean and individual basins as determined by the linear trend for the 1969-2008 period. Heat storage is per unit area of ocean surface. 15.1 Column “OceanBasin”, name of ocean basin. 15.2 Column “HTrend”, 10E+22 J/year, heat content trend for the 1969-2008 period. 15.3 Column “HStorage”, W/m**2, heat storage for the 1969-2008 period. 15.4 Column “HChange”, 10E+22 J, heat content change for the 1969-2008 period. 15.5 Column “TChange”, degree C, mean temperature change for the 1969-2008 period.