Report on training workshops including production of guidelines on best practices aimed at staff training

The present deliverable provides reports of training workshops organised within Task 10.4 of JERICO-S3 and aimed at enhancing the community through skill development and knowledge transfer. Thanks to the experience gained through these workshops' organisation and attendees feedback, this deliverable also provides some general guidelines aimed at future staff training in the context of JERICO RI facility management. Two training workshops were planned at the beginning of the project:
● the Training Workshop #1 (JERICO MS60) was focused on High Frequency (HF) Radars data management and QA/QC practices, and was organised by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy, and AZTI, Spain. The workshop was co-financed by LaMMA consortium (Italy) and organised as side event of the MONGOOS annual workshop;
● the Training Workshop #2 (JERICO MS64) was focused on harmonisation of the analyses of the in situ flow cytometry, and was organised by CEFAS and CNRS-LOV.
A third workshop, not foreseen in the DoW, was nevertheless co-organised by CNRS (MIO/LOG-ULCO), Cefas, and SYKE thanks to the co-financing of Euromarine and the European project OBAMA-NEXT (Horizon Europe, ID: 101081642). It was focused on a similar topic as the previous workshop #2, i.e. flow cytometry data management. The summary of these workshops is presented in section 3.1 and 3.2 respectively, general guidelines for training are discussed in section 5, and conclusions are provided in section 6.

How to cite
Mantovani Carlo, Créach Véronique, Vitorino Joao, Lima Vânia (2024). Report on training workshops including production of guidelines on best practices aimed at staff training. Ref. JERICO-S3-WP10-D10.5-290724-V1.0. JERICO S3.

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