Dissemination and Exploitation Plan - Impact report

To maximise its impact and its visibility, JERICO-S3 relies on three highly interconnected activities and their subsequent plans:
● A comprehensive Communication Plan (Deliverable D10.2).
● An ambitious Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (DEP) (this document), identifying the main project results to be disseminated and/or exploited, the dissemination/exploitation objectives, targeted stakeholders, ways of Disseminating/Exploiting and the optimal time for Dissemination/Exploitation.
● A User/stakeholder Engagement Strategy Plan (USP) (Deliverables D9.1 and 9.2), providing a comprehensive list of stakeholders at European level and organized by region and categories. The DEP, which lies at the core of the impact strategy, is relying on the CP for optimally achieving its objectives and on the USP for reaching out to a broad and appropriate audience. The JERICO-S3 DEP has 4 key aims:
● Engagement with stakeholders and society (e.g., project partners, RI stakeholders, end-user groups)
● Making JERICO-S3 results available for a broad range of stakeholders
● Maximising visibility and the use of JERICO-RI products and services
● Identify Key Exploitable results and plan for their exploitation during and beyond the project lifetime (e.g. Patenting, Commercialisation, Position/Community papers, Best practices)
The dissemination plan (DP) is structured through 8 main targets:
● Targets 1 and 2 focus the visibility and impact of the project toward the European and international political agenda related to marine observations and sustainable Blue Growth in coastal regions.
● Targets 3, 4 and 5 aim at disseminating the know-how of the JERICO-RI community in terms of scientific and monitoring strategies, Best Practices and data provision to a wide range of stakeholders
● Target 6 is aimed at promoting the technological innovation developed in the project.
● Targets 7 and 8 address the dissemination effort to be carried out for making the JERICO-S3 Access Services (TA and VA) known and visible, in support to an ambitious TA/VA action plan.

For each target, Key Project Outcomes and their main targeted audience have been identified, through a co-design process with all project partners. A timeline for implementation is suggested and will be revised on a yearly basis. The Exploitation Pan (EP) has been developed through a co-design process with all partners and is structured through four main exploitation targets, i.e. (1) Technological innovations, (2) Services, (3) Best practices and (4) Cooperation agreements. Fourteen Key Exploitable Results (KER) has been defined. All KERs will be developed during the project and exploited during and beyond the lifetime of JERICO-S3. KERs under Target 1 have a commercial potential. When relevant, IPR and joint exploitation by JERICO-RI partners or in cooperation with sister RIs will be addressed. Specific exploitation agreements will be established between relevant partners, as appropriate, in order to ensure the long-term impact of the JERICO-S3 innovations and know-hows.

How to cite
Vitorino Joao, Durand Dominique (2024). Dissemination and Exploitation Plan - Impact report. Ref. JERICO-S3-WP10-D10.6-05.09.2024-V2.0. JERICO S3. https://doi.org/10.13155/103573

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