FeedNetBack. Evaluation of the Underwater Fleet Simulator MASIM and description of simulation results

This document is the final deliverable to workpackage 8 – underwater investigation with a networking fleet of underwater vehicles – of the FeedNetBack project.
The aim of this document, which is the final deliverable D8.04 to the is to present the evaluation of the Underwater Fleet Simulator MASIM and results produced with this software tool.
The document is structured in three major parts:
• the case study scenario and the technical approach to its solution are presented in section I – this section contains as well as the global conclusions from the two sets of simulations below;
• simulation results produced by partner P06 configured for a single TDMA communication network (AUV-to-AUV and AUV-to-ASV links in a unique network scheme) are described and listed in section II;
• simulation results produced by partner P01 configured for a double TDMA communication network (AUV-to-AUV and AUV-to-ASV links in separate networks) are described and listed in section III;

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How to cite
Opderbecke Jan, Piasco Romain, Dumon Jonathan (2011). FeedNetBack. Evaluation of the Underwater Fleet Simulator MASIM and description of simulation results. Ref. IMN/SM/PRAO/11.290. Deliverable D08-04.. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00935/104719/

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