FeedNetBack. Tools for underwater fleet communication

The present document presents work on acoustic vehicle communications networking and potential advances in the field of underwater data transmission in the scope of the FeedNetBack case study (b), work package 8 ‘underwater operation with coordinating vehicle fleet’, and gives practical background on the constraints of signal transmission in the underwater environment.
Second deliverable of WP8, the document is directly continued from deliverable D8.01 ‘case study scenario’ with a focus on scientific and technological background of the underwater communication.
The document’s aim is to provide the projects control approaches with a high level of technical background.

How to cite
Opderbecke Jan, Kibangou Alain (2010). FeedNetBack. Tools for underwater fleet communication. Ref. Deliverable D08.02. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00935/104721/

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