61078 résultat(s)
Le Marchand Marie, Ben Rais Lasram Frida, Araignous Emma, Halouani Ghassen, Bourdaud Pierreexpand

The Bay of Biscay includes areas of environmental importance, with a wide variety of benthic habitats and rich biodiversity. However, it experiences strong anthropogenic pressures, and the effects of climate change are already evident. Renewable energy infrastructures are set to be installed with the aim of reducing carbon footprint by 2050. However, their effects on the environment demonstrate the need for holistic studies prior to the project d [...]

Grzebyk Daniel, Hoppenrath Mona, Tillmann Urban

Prorocentrum venetum was one of the first species of the genus Prorocentrum described by scanning electron microscopy by Tolomio and Cavolo in 1985. Since the first observation of the species in the Venice Lagoon (Italy) in summer 1981, it has not been found reported again in published phytoplankton records in Mediterranean waters or elsewhere. Two strains were isolated from a French Mediterranean lagoon, which were morphologically identified as [...]

Valdivieso Munoz Alejandro, Morga Benjamin, Dégremont Lionel, Mege Mickael, Dorant Yannexpand

The Pacific oyster faces significant threats from recurring outbreaks of Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS), a polymicrobial and multifactorial disease. Recent researches have underscored the crucial role of epigenetics in shaping oyster resistance and susceptibility through microevolutionary pressures. We conducted a comprehensive characterization of the basal (no infection) and the POMS-induced changes of the methylome in resistant and su [...]

The Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, is commonly described a protandrous alternative hermaphroditic species in which simultaneous hermaphrodites are rarely observed. However, its sex determinism is still debated and remains unclear. Genetic sex determinism has been investigated in bi-parental progenies, i.e. offspring obtained by crossing one male and one female oyster. This makes difficult to interpret the results, as it is not possible to dis [...]

Grati Fabio, Druon Jean-Noël, Gascuel Didier, Absil Christine, Bastardie Françoisexpand

The increasing global demand for seafood has intensified pressure on marine resources and hence the need to adopt sustainable fishing practices and promote sustainable products. Raising consumer awareness about the variability in ecological sustainability of seafood is one tool to facilitate prevention of marine resource overexploitation, minimise the impact of fishing on ecosystems, and ensure long-term renewal of aquatic resources. Here we prop [...]

Artigue Lise, Chavagnac Valérie, Destrigneville Christine, François David, Lesongeur Francoiseexpand

This study investigates minerals and microorganisms effects on fluid chemistry through a continuous enrichment culture in a gas-lift bioreactor during the MoMARsat’19 cruise. A sulfate-based chimney and buoyant hydrothermal fluid, both collected in situ at the Aisics vent of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field, were incubated for 18 days under physico-chemical conditions mimicking those of in situ diffuse vents. We present the evolution of elemen [...]

Dubus Gabriel, Torterotot Maëlle, Béesau Julie, Dupont Mathieu, Gros-Martial Anatoleexpand

Emerging detection and classification algorithms based on deep learning models require manageable large-scale manual annotations of ground truth data. To date, the challenge of creating large and accurate annotated datasets of underwater sounds has been a major obstacle to the development of robust recognition algorithms. APLOSE (Annotation PLatform for Ocean Sound Explorers) is an open-source, web-based yet scalable tool which facilitates collab [...]

Mouras Naina, Mounier Stéphane, Meyneng Mathisse, Antypas Florence, Haize Thomasexpand

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a tropical estuarine ecosystem was characterized through the analysis of optical properties of coloured and fluorescent matter in porewater samples collected from the coastal areas of New Caledonia (South-West Pacific Ocean). Surface sediment porewaters were analysed in five sites under the influence of catchment areas characterized by different proportions of ultramafic soils. Four main components were identifie [...]

Boteler Ben, von pogrell Luise, Gianni Matthew

This report discusses the complex and interconnected challenges and opportunities to effective ocean governance in the Atlantic Ocean. The report considers selected outcomes of iAtlantic research on the changing status of open and deep ocean ecosystems where relevant to ocean governance within the Atlantic region. The report concentrates on enhancing the current Atlantic Ocean governance structure to make it resilient and effective in light of th [...]

Lechippey Natacha

Cette microalgue appartenant au genre Dinophysis est un dinoflagellé. Deux espèces présentes sur les côtes françaises ont été identifiées et reconnues toxiques. Il s'agit de Dinophysis acuminata (Fig. 2) dont la répartition est large, et de Dinophysis sacculus (Fig. 1) qui se limiterait à la Méditerranée. Ces espèces élaborent une toxine diarrhéique (D.S.P. : Diarrheic Shellfish Poison), l'acide okadaïque, qui s'accumule dans l'hépatopancréas des [...]

Galgani Francois, Maes Thomas, Li Daoji

The annual global production of plastic exceeds 450 million tons, and plastic pollution is now found in significant quantities in all regions of the world, including the most remote areas of the planet. Plastic degrades at sea into microplastics and nanoplastics, a group of heterogeneous particles varying in size, shape, color, chemical composition, and density. Some of the more significant environmental impacts of plastic litter include entangle [...]

Maggi Pierre

Nous avons vu dans le rapport précédent que durant les quatre premiers mois de l'année 1984, les conditions climatiques n'ont pas été de nature à provoquer d'inquiétudes pour les écosystèmes de la baie de Vilaine. Le refroidissement observé de la mi-février à la mi-avril, a retardé d'un mois environ l'apparition de l'efflorescence normale de printemps à diatomées (Skeletonema et Thalassiosira) qui s'était produite à la mi-mars en 1983. Cette prol [...]

Raumer Pierre-Yves, Bazin Sara, Cazau Dorian, Ingale Vaibhav Vijay, Royer Jean-Yvesexpand

Passive hydroacoustic studies have underscored the efficiency and relevance of deploying autonomous hydrophones for the surveillance of underwater geophony. In particular, monitoring networks have been deployed for detecting SOFAR-propagating hydroacoustic waves generated by seismic events and locating their sources. The technique has been extended to study other hydroacoustic signals, such as P-waves from teleseismic events or impulsive waves ge [...]

Kelliella M. Sars, 1870 is a genus of small epibenthic bivalves inhabiting muddy bottoms of the outer shelf and slope worldwide, commonly in habitats that are oxygen-poor or enriched in organic carbon. Currently, there are five accepted species of Kelliella with an Atlantic type locality, and six more Atlantic species, including Vesicomya atlantica (Smith, 1885), the type species of Vesicomya Dall, 1886, were at some time placed in Kelliella. In [...]

Les études environnentales entreprises sur le milieu marin en région Nord-Pas de Calais dans les années 70 se sont en partie appuyées sur la mise en place de réseaux d'observation, comme le RNO sur le site de Dunkerque, et la surveillance écologique des rejets de la Centrale Nucléaire de Gravelines. Au cours des dix premières années environ, la stratégie de surveillance de ces réseaux consistait en une approche temporelle de l'évolution du milieu [...]


Dans le cadre de ses travaux sur les possibilités de culture d'algues présentant un intérêt économique, trois programmes furent soutenus pour partie, par des subventions de la région Pays de Loire, concernant respectivement les algues Laminaria digitata, Palmaria palmata et Gracilaria verrucosa.

Sea states are likely highly complex and variable under tropical cyclone (TC) conditions. Outrunning the inner core TC vortex, swell systems can radiate in different directions with different wavelengths. Jointly using several sources of wave observations, it is demonstrated that directional properties of wave fields induced by a TC can now be very well recovered. Directional wave information extracted from Sentinel‐1 wave mode and CFOSAT SWIM ar [...]

Bourgouin Andréol

La déprédation par les mammifères marins des pêches françaises à la palangre de légines australes est un problème ayant des conséquences socio-économiques ainsi qu'écologiques. La pêche française à la légine australe est réalisée dans les ZEE des archipels de Crozet et Kerguelen. C'est 2 écosystèmes sont sujets à des variations de déprédation différentes, de par leur profil géologique et écologique différents. Une partie de ces variations peut êt [...]

Afin de mieux comprendre les rouages des crises subies par les pêcheries françaises de petits poissons pélagiques au cours des deux dernières décennies, et pour essayer d’anticiper d’éventuelles perturbations à venir, une approche intégrée basée sur un tableau de bord d’indicateurs a été mise en place au sein du projet DEFIPEL. Dans un premier temps, les séries temporelles d’un grand nombre d’indicateurs ont été collectées pour informer sur les é [...]