62332 résultat(s)
Scanderbeg Megan, Gourcuff Claire

The ADMT-25 - 25th Argo data management team meting took place in Trieste on 21-25 October 2024. 

The purpose of this document is to guide European teams deploying Argo floats in organising the decoding of their data in a timely manner and following Argo data management procedures.

Ait-Bachir Romuald, Granero-Belinchon Carlos, Michel Aurélie, Michel Julien, Briottet Xavierexpand

Due to the trade-off between the temporal and spatial resolution of thermal spaceborne sensors, super-resolution methods have been developed to provide fine-scale Land SurfaceTemperature (LST) maps. Most of them are trained at low resolution but applied at fine resolution, and so they require a scale-invariance hypothesis that is not always adapted. Themain contribution of this work is the introduction of a Scale-Invariance-Free approach for trai [...]

Pogossian Souren

In this work, I re-examine the question of a possible explanation for the anomalous advance of Mercury's perihelion by the existence of a hypothetical planet, Vulcan, which I consider to be a kind of primordial black hole of planetary-mass. The detection of this kind of celestial body has become possible with modern experimental techniques, inter alia, such as the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Recently, an excess of ultra-short microl [...]

Bockel Thomas

L’espace maritime côtier méditerranéen abrite des trésors de biodiversité, à l’image de l’herbier de posidonie. Cet espace concentre aussi les activités humaines. Ce travail doctoral est né du constat de la nécessité d’une connaissance fine des pressions anthropiques et de leurs impacts pour une protection efficace du milieu marin, rendu possible par l’augmentation exponentielle des données disponibles, de la capacité de calcul, et de la performa [...]

Manoux Marine, Rabouille Chrisophe, Dumoulin Jean-Pascal, Bombled Bruno, Monvoisin Gaëlexpand

Submarine volcanic eruptions impact ocean and sediment geochemistry by generating hydrothermal plumes, fluid expulsion, lava flows, and tephra deposition. The amount and impact of such inputs on the sediment composition and biogeochemistry, on short temporal scales, is yet to be quantified. To this end, the multidisciplinary GEOFLAMME cruise was conducted in May 2021 on board the R/V Pourquoi Pas? to study the Fani Maoré edifice, a newly born vol [...]

By exchanging huge amounts of heat between the tropics and high latitudes, subtropical gyres significantly impact Earth's energy balance. Yet, their dynamical changes during the last deglaciation remain poorly understood. Here, nine records of the planktonic foraminiferal species Globorotalia truncatulinoides, that inhabits the permanent deep thermocline of subtropical gyres, are used to explore the meridional migration of both the North and Sout [...]

Masse Jacques

La saisie des données représentant une part très importante du travail lors des campagnes d'échointégration, un système de fichiers et de programmes basés sur la structure "PROF" a été mis en oeuvre, compatible avec le seul microordinateur disponible à bord de la "Thalassa". Expérimenté sur plusieurs campagnes, ce système, bien qu'imparfait, permet déjà d'uniformiser la collecte des données et d'exploiter les campagnes dans un minimum de temps au [...]

Hanke Georg, Canals Miquel, Vescovo Victor, Macdonald Tim, Martini Eiriniexpand

From the scientific viewpoint, the deepest ocean includes the least known regions on Earth. Advanced technologies, complex logistics and very specific expertise, requiring adequate funding, are needed for in situ observation of the deep sea. In this paper we present the results of the inspection of the floor of the deepest site in the Mediterranean Sea, the 5122 m in depth Calypso Deep in the Ionian Sea, with the Human Occupied Vehicle (HOV) Limi [...]

Predation risk in the wild varies across the day in a relatively predictable way, as a function of environmental conditions, such as light intensity and temperature, and of predator habits. Prey animals can thus adjust their own activity rhythm to avoid the most dangerous periods. We studied this situation in a coevolutionary perspective, considering that, if prey spread their activity across the day to counter predator temporal preferences, thes [...]

David Ophelie, Vidal Muriel, Gorczyńska Aneta, Penaud Aurélie, Pailler Yvanexpand

The multidisciplinary approach conducted on the coastal cores ANE-C3 and PADMé (48°38′54.5114"N; 4°10′21.3848"W; Kerallé watershed, NW Brittany, NW France) revealed paleoenvironmental trajectories under both relative sea level rise and anthropogenic dynamics during Middle to Late Holocene, in the research paper: “From a coastal plain to an anthropized fluvial valley (NW Brittany, France): 7.3 kyr of paleoenvironmental evolution from sedimentologi [...]

The Mediterranean spinous spider crab, Maja squinado (Herbst, 1788), is a prized crustacean exploited by Mediterranean coastal fisheries, contributing to local economies and culinary traditions. While stock declines have been reported in some regions, other areas continue to sustain fishing activities, albeit under pressure. Understanding the species' demography is therefore essential for effective future management. To investigate the larval dis [...]

Gabe Heloísa Bárbara, Taruhn Karine Amabile, Ferraz Mello Trevisan Danielle, Lebrun Melody, Paillard Christineexpand

Aquatic animals inhabiting marine coastal environments are highly susceptible to environmental fluctuations and pollution, exemplified by widespread mass mortalities induced by marine bacteria or viruses. Enhancing antioxidant defenses presents a promising strategy to mitigate such environmental stressors. We postulated that supplementation of oysters with natural compounds such as flavonoids, exemplified by curcumin (CUR), could effectively bols [...]

Prévost Étienne, Lebot Clément, Beaulaton Laurent, Arago Marie-Andrée, Leprévost Gaëlleexpand

Pour réviser la gestion des populations de saumon en Bretagne, et plus particulièrement la régulation de leur exploitation par pêche à la ligne en rivière, l’OFB, INRAE et l’Université de Pau et Pays de l’Adour, en collaboration avec Bretagne Grands Migrateurs, ont œuvré conjointement dans le cadre d’un vaste exercice d’aide à la décision (projet RENOSAUM, 2017-2022). Ce travail est sans précédent par la quantité de données valorisées, la prise e [...]

Souissi Ahmed, Besnard Anne-Laure, Evanno Guillaume

Il y a trois espèces de lamproie en France : la lamproie marine (Petromyzon marinus), la lamproie de rivière (Lampetra fluviatilis) et la lamproie de Planer (L.planeri). La lamproie marine est classée en danger et la lamproie de rivière vulnérable, selon les critères de l’Union internationale pour conservation de la nature (UICN), sur la liste rouge des poissons de France. La répartition des trois espèces reste mal connue en France, et ce projet [...]

La Direction Départementale de la Protection de la Population de l’Hérault a demandé la réalisation d’une étude sanitaire pour la zone n°34.21 « Lotissement conchylicole des Aresquiers » pour le groupe 3 des coquillages bivalves filtreurs non fouisseurs. Ce rapport présente l’étude de dossier qui consiste en un recueil des données disponibles sur la zone de production et les sources de contamination microbienne d’origine humaine ou animale et abo [...]