Biologie du copepode Eurytemora affinis hirundoides dans la Gironde: Donnees morphometriques

Eurytemora affinis hirundoides is the most abundant copepod in the Gironde Estuary which is submitted to strong salinity gradients. The response of the populations to these gradients is measured by following the variation of simple biometric characteristics. The observed variations reflect the influence of two important factors: salinity and turbidity.


ANE, France, Gironde Estuary, Copepoda, Turbidity, Biometrics, Environmental effects, Animal morphology, Biology, Ecophysiology

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Comment citer
Feurtet A, Castel J (1987). Biologie du copepode Eurytemora affinis hirundoides dans la Gironde: Donnees morphometriques. Actes de colloques. Ifremer. Brest [ACTES COLLOQ. IFREMER.]. 1988.

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