Early weaning of marine fish larvae onto microdiets: Constraints and perspectives

Weaning small sized marine fish larvae at first feeding directly onto compound pellets is still difficult, while good results can be obtained when used in combination with live prey or when a prefeeding period on live prey is provided up to a size of about 2-3 mg. Microdiets are generally well ingested as their acceptability and visual detection may be improved using feeding activators and increasing good perception contrast. In theory, food may be processed to have a correct nutritional balance, selection of high digestible components is very important as larval digestive system is not fully functional during the first 2 or 3 weeks of life.


Hatching, Fatty acids, Amino acids, Nutritional requirements, Feeding behaviour, Stomach, Digestive system, Enzymes, Digestion, Physiology, Diets, Pellet feeds, Feeding, Fish larvae

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How to cite
Person L (1989). Early weaning of marine fish larvae onto microdiets: Constraints and perspectives. Actes de colloques Ifremer, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 20 Feb - 4 Mar 1989, n°9, chap. 59, pp.625-642. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/1422/

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