Problems and perspectives of the pearl oyster aquaculture in French Polynesia.

The first attempt to obtain artificial pearls from the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera in French Polynesia dates back to 1963. The pearl oyster culture has grown quickly especially since the eighties. This industry is now the first exportation in value of French Polynesia. 19 atolls of the Tuamotus island have at this time one or more farms and this activity has more and more attractiveness. The rise of this industry has consequently a lot of socio-ecomic repercussions on these atolls. However, as a young industry, the technics and the development are not always controlled and a lot of problems appeared these last years.


French Polynesia, Pinctada margaritifera, Trade, Economic analysis, Harvesting, Hatcheries, Spat, Lagoons, Mortality, Oyster culture, Pearl oysters

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How to cite
Cabral P (1989). Problems and perspectives of the pearl oyster aquaculture in French Polynesia. Actes de colloques Ifremer, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 20 Feb - 4 Mar 1989, n°9, chap. 7, pp.57-66.

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