Toxicite de Detergents et d'un Dispersant sur Artemia salina Leach.

The authors study the toxic influence of 3 detergents (Tween 20 or Polysorbate 20, laurylsulfate of sodium, Secosyl or N-Lauroyl sarcosinate of sodium) and of a dispersent (Finasol OSR sub(2) or Dodecyl Sodium sulfate) on the hatching and the survival of the brine shrimp, (A. salina)). The determination of the DL sub(50) was effected after 24 h.


Artemia salina, Hatching, Survival, Pollution effects, Chemical pollutants, Detergents, Dispersants, Toxicity tests

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10672 Ko
Comment citer
(1980). Toxicite de Detergents et d'un Dispersant sur Artemia salina Leach. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes. 44 (4). 355-364.

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