Ecologie alimentaire des Macrouridae

This paper is a study of the feeding ecology of Macrouridae. After Data on their taxonomy and on the stomach contents, the author gives the results obtained: coefficient of vacuity, indication of a prey frequency, percentage in number and in weight, the mean number of prey per stomach, the mean weight of the prey, the alimentary coefficient of a prey. The diet of every species of Macrouridae and the characteristics of feeding in these species are described. He concludes with considerations on the Macrouridae in the ocean and their geographical distribution, and on the deep feeding chain, especially the trophic role of different groups of preys. It is thought that, in the Macrouridae, the alimentary diet is little specialized, and based on benthic and pelagic preys and a tendency to microphagy which can be considered an adaptation to a deep life. Feeding helps determine the area that the fish inhabits at great depths, particularly their vertical distribution which seems to be in direct relation with feeding ecology.


Macrouridae, Stomach content, Feeding behaviour

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Comment citer
Geistdoerfer Patrick (1978). Ecologie alimentaire des Macrouridae. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes. 42 (3). 177-261.

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