Maturation and spawning in captivity of penaeid shrimps

As no indigenous species of commercial penaeid shrimp live in the waters of French Po1ynesia, the pre1iminary step in deve10ping shrimp aquaculture was to obtain maturation and spawning in captivity. Five species have been investigated. Wi1d-caught juveni1es from the New Ca1edonia 1agoon (f. merguiensis, f. semisulcatus, ~. ensis) and post1arvae from the Ga1veston NMFS 1aboratory (P. aztecus) and Fujinaga Institute (f. japonicus) have been used to-obtain adu1t stock. Shrimps are reared in circu1ar tanks of 12 m3 with a continuous water circulation through a coral sand bed. Rate of exchange is from 1 to 3 times a day. Throughout the year water temperature is between 25 and 29 C, sa1inity around 34.5 ppt, and pH 8.2. Solar energy is reduced by shade covers. Artificial pellets of different composition are given as food. In these conditions we have obtained: 1) about 1,000 spawnings and two generations in captivity from September 1973 to September 1974 with f. merguiensis; 2) spawnings of ~. ensis in 1973; 3) four spawnings of f. japonicus in September 1974; 4) about 20 spawnings of P. aztecus, but only aftcr removing one eyestalk; 5) maturation signs in P. semizulcatus but no spawning. Experiments on larval rearing and growth of these species are in progress. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]

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Aquacop AQUACOP (1975). Maturation and spawning in captivity of penaeid shrimps. Proceedings of the 6 th Annual Meeting of World Mariculture Society.

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