Production of feeds to support shrimp farming in Tahiti (french Polynesia)

Shrimp production mainly of Macrobrachium rosenbergii but also of peneids is now starting on a commercial basis in Tahiti. This production is sustained by conjugated efforts of Service de l'économie Rurale, Office de la Recherche et des Ressources Océaniques (ORERO) et Centre Océanologique du Pacifique (COP). Different kind of feeds have been developed and produced. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]

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How to cite
AQUACOP (1983). Production of feeds to support shrimp farming in Tahiti (french Polynesia). 1st International Biennal Conference on Warm Water Aquaculture - Crustacea 02/9-11/83 Brigham Young University. Hawai.

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