The Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873-1876. Narrative Vol. I. First Part. Chapter I

The deep-sea investigations conducted on board H.M. Ships " Lightning," "Porcupine," and" Shearwater," in the years 1868, 1869, 1870 and 1871, and the subsequent correspondence between the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, the Council of the Royal Society, and Dr. W. B. Carpenter, C.B., F.R.S. , have been referred to in the preceding introductory chapter. The practical outcome of these preliminary expeditions and negotiations was the decision by the Government and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to equip an Expedition for the examination of the physical and biological conditions of the deep sea throughout the great ocean basins. The proposal to defray the expense of such an Expedition out of the public funds received the cordial assent of the House of Commons in April 1872. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]

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How to cite
Wyville Thomson C, Murray J (1885). The Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873-1876. Narrative Vol. I. First Part. Chapter I. In H.M.S. Challenger. Johnson Reprint Corporation.

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