Conclusions sur la détermination de la microfaune


Histoire Ifremer

The analysis of cores taken during the drilling operation of the Terebel's cruise in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea has put into evidence some reworked sediments. However, the occurence of Gtobigerina pachyderma, Gtoborotatia truncatutinoides and Hyalinea balthica gives a quaternary age to these deposits (not older than Sicilian). The microfauna variations in some cores are related to paleoclimatological changes. Some of the sedimentary levels were deposited during a warming interglacial period. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]

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Comment citer
Le Calvez Y., Pastouret Léo (1971). Conclusions sur la détermination de la microfaune. Résultats des Campagnes à la Mer. 2 (107). 313-321.

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