Massive deep-sea sulphide ore deposits discovered on the East Pacific Rise


Histoire Ifremer

Massive ore-grade zinc, copper and iron sulphide deposits have been found at the axis of the East Pacific Rise.Although their presence on the deep ocean-floor had been predicted there was no supporting observational evidence. The East Pacific Rise deposits represent a modern analogue of Cyprus-type sulphide ores associated with ophiolitic rocks on land.They contain at least 29% zinc metal and 6% metallic copper.Their discovery will provide a new focus for deep-sea exploration, leading to new assessments of the concentration of metals in the upper layers of the oceanic crust. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]

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Francheteau Jean, Needham H.D., Choukroune P., Juteau T., Seguret M., Ballard R.D., Fox P.J., Normark W., Carranza x, Cordoba D., Guerrero J., Rangin C., Bougault Henri, Cambon Pierre, Hekinian Roger (1979). Massive deep-sea sulphide ore deposits discovered on the East Pacific Rise. Nature. 277 (5697). 523-528.

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