Perspectives de développement régional : la Baie de Saint Brieuc


Histoire Ifremer

The application of a model of stock management is difficult because the imperatives of longterm development are often conflicting with short-term interests of the fishermen. That has been the reason for setting up a field group under the responsability of the Comitéd'Expansion des Côtes-du-Nord. The document presents two examples of these difflculties to apply the biological results. The first concerns the management of the existing ressources with the limitation of fishing eflort, the establishment of a catch quota and a non fishing area. The second describes the natural spat collection system adapted to the local environment which has to produce a significant number of juveniles for restocking purpose.

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Comment citer
Nicolas R, Morize E, Rohan R (1979). Perspectives de développement régional : la Baie de Saint Brieuc. Publ. CNEXO (France) (Actes Colloq.)(no. 12).

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