Tectonic history along the South Gabon Basin: Anomalous early post-rift subsidence

An integrated study of the South Gabon Margin (South Atlantic) based on reflection seismic and well data has been performed to quantify tectonic activity. A regional profile crossing the entire basin together with subsidence analysis, highlights important aspects of the post-rift history. The most striking event in the margin evolution appears to be the anomalous extra subsidence during the early post-rift period characterized by high sedimentation rates, equivalent to one third of the syn-rift subsidence. Although the presence of evaporite layers restricts knowledge of the underlying structures essentially composed of pre-rift and syn-rift sequences, the outcome of this post-rift tectonic study has strong implications for the rifting history. The early post-rift subsidence patterns can be related to a high thermal anomaly during the early rifting thermal state of the lithosphere. These findings are highly relevant for petroleum system studies and have implications for hydrocarbon generation.


post-rift subsidence, margin, Gabon

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How to cite
Dupre Stephanie, Bertotti Giovanni, Cloetingh Sierd (2007). Tectonic history along the South Gabon Basin: Anomalous early post-rift subsidence. Marine And Petroleum Geology. 24 (3). 151-172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2006.11.003, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/6803/

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