Trends in freshwater and marine aquaculture

The demand for fish products, from freshwater and from the sea, is globally increasing ail over the world. This major trend can be explained by the development of mankind, not only in quantity (one billion people more in the last 15 years) but also because food consumption habits are changing: for southern countries, fish products consumption is first a diversification of protein sources. For northern countries, it is a new style of eating with diet, tasteful and original products coming from the attractive « new frontier » symbolised by the sea. Global/y speaking, the aquatic product consumption raised from 9 to 13 kg./unhab./year during the last 30 years. It is now clear that catches from ail fisheries cannot match this steady increase of the demand as data collected from al/ countries reveal the stagnation of the world production since the beginning of the nineties. The reasons are now well-known: over-capacity of fishing fleets, over-fishing of many stocks, poor management of harvested species which results in about 20 millions of tons of waste while the same amount is processed into fishmeal and oil, out of direct human consumption.

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How to cite
Lacroix Denis (1998). Trends in freshwater and marine aquaculture. Proceedings of 3rd East-West Fisheries conference; 24-26 Nov. 1998; Copenhagen, Denmark.

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