Small-scale FADs-associated fishing techniques used in the Pacific region

Over the last 16 years, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC - formerly the South Pacific Commission) has been developing and providing information on mid-water fishing techniques targeting the larger, deeper-swimming tunas that aggregate around FADs. SPC masterfishermen have conducted in-country fishing trials to test methods, such as vertical longlines, and train local fishermen in their construction and use. Vertical longline catch rates have varied considerably due to a range of reasons with no catches reported in some locations, or just sharks, to highs of over 6.5 kg /10 hooks/hour being recorded in other locations. Other methods like drop-stone, palu-ahi, and single-hook drifting lines have been developed within the region, with SPC adopting and transferring this technology to other locations. To further disseminate this information, SPC has recently published a technical manual outlining a range of mid-water fishing gears and techniques that can be used in association with FADs. An outline of the main gears and techniques with catch data where available is presented, with factors influencing catches discussed based on the findings of SPC masterfishermen over the years.


Attracting techniques, Fishing technology, Longlining, Tuna fisheries, Article Geographic Terms: IS, South Pacific, Pacific Ocean Is.

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How to cite
Chapman L (2000). Small-scale FADs-associated fishing techniques used in the Pacific region. Pêche thonière et dispositifs de concentration de poissons, Caribbean-Martinique, 15-19 Oct 1999.

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