Le " faux-poisson " d'Abidjan et la peche sous DCP derivants dans l'Atlantique tropical Est: circuit de commercialisation et role socio-economique

Abidjan is the biggest fishing harbour of tropical tunas in the Gulf of Guinea (around 100 000 mt per year). Three canneries work on four species (yellowfin, skipjack, bigeye and albacore). Small size tuna, minor tuna and by-catches are refused by the canneries and are sold on the local market fish. It is the only part of the industrial purse seine catches directly sold in Abidjan. Since 1990, fishing operations on schools of tuna associated with artificial drifting FADs has become widespread. Log fishery allow to catch a majority of small tunas, and generates by-catches of various other pelagic species associated to the logs. The landed amounts of local market fish have increased: from 8 500 Mt per year estimated between 1987 and 1990, 21 000 Mt is reached between 1991 and 1993. Since 1994, controls have been carried out by French fishing companies. A sampling scheme allows us to analyse precisely the landings since 1998. From an interdisciplinary approach, we study the socio-economic role of this local fish market, especially the links between the different actors on this market, and we analyse his impact on fishing strategies by identifying the distribution networks (actors, prices, profit) and estimating the turnovers connected to this sector.


Attracting techniques, Capture fishery economics, Marketing, Tuna fisheries, Article Geographic Terms: ASE, Atlantic, Guinea Gulf

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Comment citer
Romagny B, Menard Frederic, Dewals P, Gaertner Daniel, N'goran N (2000). Le " faux-poisson " d'Abidjan et la peche sous DCP derivants dans l'Atlantique tropical Est: circuit de commercialisation et role socio-economique. Pêche thonière et dispositifs de concentration de poissons, Caribbean-Martinique, 15-19 Oct 1999. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00042/15318/

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