La production aquacole de coquille Saint-Jacques (Pecten maximus) et le soutien scientifique à l'operation pilote

Aquaculture production of scallop has been identified by a series of technical operations during the past ten years programme under a partnership involving the fishermen organizations with regional and national grants. 3 million juveniles have been produced annually, giving a potential recapture by fishing of 100 to 120 tonnes 3 years later. Results in terms of technical and economical approach have pointed out the principal unknown factors responsable for high costs. 7he pilot programme aims to increase the production to reach a level of 5 million juveniles to support the fishery of the rade de Brest and induce new management of the resources. Two priorities were selected, control of the reproduction in the hatchery to obtain reliable larval and postlarval rearing during a larger period of the year, mainly during summer, and improvement of survival rate of the juveniles by minimizing stress when manipulating the animals. But biological and ecological mechanisms are still poorly understoodfor scallop and generally bibvalves and the last two years have shown unchanged results. The technical pathways shows interactions between the different steps of the production of juveniles where different teams operate separately. Management of the livestock has to be developed to increase the survival rate by better breeding but also to reduce the loss by adapted and coordinated practices. Recapture results indicate that fishery strategies depend also on the production of juvenile, and could orientate the management of the hatchery.

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Dao Jean-Claude, Barret Jean, Carval Jean-Pierre, Connan Jean-Paul, Corre Christian, Devauchelle Nicole, Fleury Pierre-Gildas, Laurent Pascale, Mazuret Michel, Miner Philippe, Mingant Christian, Muzellec Marie-Louise, Robert Rene (1995). La production aquacole de coquille Saint-Jacques (Pecten maximus) et le soutien scientifique à l'operation pilote. 3e Rencontres Scientifiques Internationales du contrat de baie de la rade de Brest. Brest 14-16 mars 1995.

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