Long-term macrofaunal studies in a subtidal habitat off Norderney (East Frisia, Germany) from 1978 to 1994 .1. The late winter samples

Macrofaunal samples were collected regularly during springtime from 1978 to 1994 in the subtidal zone off Norderney, one of the East Frisian barrier islands. Sampling was carried out from a research vessel by means of a 0.2 m(2) van-Veen grab at five sites with water depths of 10-20 m. Abundances, biomasses and species composition were analysed by cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling. The resulting patterns are discussed in terms of anthropogenic impact and varying meteorological conditions. Species survival is severely impaired by cold winters, whereas storms and hot summers have a minor impact. There is evidence that mild meteorological conditions and eutrophication have resulted in an increase in total biomass since 1989. In addition to environmental factors, the community is influenced by interspecific relationships, including competition.


macrofaunal, Fabulina fabula, association, long-term changes, sublittoral, German bight, climate

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How to cite
Zeiss B, Kroncke I (1997). Long-term macrofaunal studies in a subtidal habitat off Norderney (East Frisia, Germany) from 1978 to 1994 .1. The late winter samples. Oceanolica Acta. 20 (1). 311-318. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00093/20401/

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