Algal growth on two sections of a fringing coral reef subject to different levels of eutrophication in Reunion Island

The temporal Variations in macroalgal coverage and biomass of two sectors of a fringing reef complex in Reunion Island, subject to different levels of nutrient enrichment, were compared over eight months. Little difference was detected in the back reef zone, but in the narrow coral strip zone the highly enriched site showed significantly higher coverage, biomass and diversity of macroalgae throughout the whole study period. Differences in the levels of nutrient enrichment of the reef waters of the two sites are implicated as potential reasons for the observed differences. The seasonal Variations of macroalgae on the reef, and aspects of several of the dominant algal species encountered are also discussed.

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How to cite
Semple S (1997). Algal growth on two sections of a fringing coral reef subject to different levels of eutrophication in Reunion Island. Oceanologica Acta. 20 (6). 851-861.

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