Evaluation of floating cages as an experimental tool for marine shrimp culture studies under practical earthen pond condition

Scientific and technical studies carried out under semi-intensive farming conditions, with large earthen ponds (Fig 1), to assess the effects of treatments on zootechnical results are highly complex due to the many logistical, economic and/or experimental constraints involved. In our study, we evaluated the use of floatingcages (Paquotte et al., 1998) immersed in earthen ponds as an experimental tool in order to design future powerful and economical expe-riments under semi-intensive farming conditions.
How to cite
Castex Mathieu, Chim Liet, Lemaire Pierrette, Wabete Nelly, Pham Dominique (2009). Evaluation of floating cages as an experimental tool for marine shrimp culture studies under practical earthen pond condition. PSIC 11 - 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress : Pacific Countries and their Ocean: Facing Local and Global Changes / 2nd Symposium on French Research in the Pacific. March 2 - 6, 2009 Tahiti, French Polynesia.. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00197/30872/

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