Nutrient dynamics, primary production and fisheries yields of lagoons

Differences appear to have a marked influence on the species composition of lagoon ecosystems around the world, but there are some remarkable similarities in nutrient dynamics, the standing crop of phytoplankton, annual primary production, and fisheries yields of many lagoons. For example, in many of the systems reviewed, the annual phosphate cycle was similar in timing and magnitude, primary production amounted to some 200-400 g C m super(-1) yr super(-1). There appears to be an empirical correlation between primary production and fisheries yields in a great variety of marine systems. The yield of lagoon fisheries per unit area is commonly as high or higher than that from the most productive coastal and offshore fisheries.

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How to cite
Nixon S W (1982). Nutrient dynamics, primary production and fisheries yields of lagoons. Oceanologica Acta, Special issue,

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