Hydrography and circulation south of Cyprus in late summer 1995 and in spring 1996

Les caractéristiques hydrologiques du bassin Levantin de la mer Méditerranée, examinées à la fin de l'été 1995 et au printemps 1996, révèlent la présence d'un tourbillon cyclonique au caractère saisonnier marqué, au sud de Chypre, dans la région oú se forme l'eau Levantine intermédiaire. Le courant côtier de Chypre, chaud et en provenance de l'est, s'intercale parfois entre le tourbillon et l'île. À la fin de l'été 1995, les fluctuations spatiales du courant médio-méditerranéen, principal courant de la Méditerranée orientale, divisent le tourbillon en deux tourbillons cycloniques plus petits. Au printemps 1996, le tourbillon cyclonique du bassin de Chypre se présente comme un unique grand vortex occupant la majeure partie de la région située au sud de l'île et flanqué au sud par le tourbillon anticyclonique de Chypre.


circulation, bassin de Chypre, Méditerranée orientale, hydrologie, bassin Levantin

The hydrodynamical characteristics of the area south of Cyprus in the Levantine Sea were examined in late summer 1995 and in spring 1996. Analysis of the CTD data collected, provided a new dynamic picture of the Cyprus Basin and revealed the existence of the Cyprus Basin cyclonic eddy. The latter circulated to the south of Cyprus and exhibited marked seasonality. Production of Levantine Intermediate Water in the area of the latter eddy occurred. Occasionally, between the Cyprus Basin cyclonic eddy and the southern coast of Cyprus a warm current, the Cyprus coastal current appears to intrude from the east. In late summer 1995, the spatial fluctuations of the mid-Mediterranean jet, the main current of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, caused the splitting of the Cyprus Basin cyclonic eddy, into two smaller cyclonic ones. During spring 1996, however, the Cyprus Basin cyclonic eddy appears as a single large vortex, occupying the greater part of the area south of Cyprus, and flanked to the south by the Cyprus anticyclonic eddy.


circulation, Cyprus Basin, eastern Mediterranean, hydrography, Levantine Basin

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How to cite
Zodiatis G, Theodorou A, Demetropoulos A (1998). Hydrography and circulation south of Cyprus in late summer 1995 and in spring 1996. Oceanologica Acta. 21 (3). 447-458. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0399-1784(98)80029-7, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00325/43667/

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