MEDAR/MEDATLAS 2002: A Mediterranean and Black Sea database for operational oceanography Elsevier Oceanography Series

A comprehensive database of temperature, salinity and bio-chemical parameters in the Mediterranean and Black Sea has been constructed through comprehensive co-operation between the bordering countries. Statistical climatologies have been computed with all assembled and quality controlled data. The database, designed to initiate and validate prediction models, also represents a system to quality-check new incoming data produced by ocean observing systems.


Database, temperature, salinity, nutrients, climatology, quality control


47.423141N, 28.859882S, 42.359567E, -5.623656W

How to cite
Fichaut Michele, Garcia Maria-Jesus, Giorgetti Alessandra, Iona Athanasia, Kuznetsov Alexander, Rixen Michel, Medar Group (2003). MEDAR/MEDATLAS 2002: A Mediterranean and Black Sea database for operational oceanography Elsevier Oceanography Series. Building the European Capacity in Operational Oceanography, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on EuroGOOS Athens, Greece 3–6 December 2002. Elsevier Oceanography Series. Volume 69. Edited by H. Dahlin, N.C. Flemming, K. Nittis and S.E. Petersson ISBN: 978-0-444-51550-6. pp.645-648.,

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