Global mismatch between fishing dependency and larval supply from marine reserves

Marine reserves are viewed as flagship tools to protect exploited species and to contribute to the effective management of coastal fisheries. Yet, the extent to which marine reserves are globally interconnected and able to effectively seed areas, where fisheries are most critical for food and livelihood security is largely unknown. Using a hydrodynamic model of larval dispersal, we predict that most marine reserves are not interconnected by currents and that their potential benefits to fishing areas are presently limited, since countries with high dependency on coastal fisheries receive very little larval supply from marine reserves. This global mismatch could be reversed, however, by placing new marine reserves in areas sufficiently remote to minimize social and economic costs but sufficiently connected through sea currents to seed the most exploited fisheries and endangered ecosystems.

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How to cite
Andrello Marco, Guilhaumon Francois, Albouy Camille, Parravicini Valeriano, Scholtens Joeri, Verley Philippe, Barange Manuel, Sumaila U. Rashid, Manel Stephanie, Mouillot David (2017). Global mismatch between fishing dependency and larval supply from marine reserves. Nature Communications. 8. 16039 (1-9).,

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