Apport des techniques par rayons X à la caractérisation des encroûtements cobaitifères océaniques

A range of X-ray analytical techniques contributes particularly well to the mineralogical and geochemical characterisations of cobalt-rich iron and manganese oxides crusts. X-ray diffraction is used to identify the weak crystallinity of the material. Bulk geochemical characterisation of the crusts is done by X-ray fluorescence for the precise determination of ca. thirty major and trace elements. Fine scale analysis is carried out by electron microprobe to quantitatively map the distribution of elements in oxide phases within the crusts. Microprobe work is essential to obtain the chemical composition of the embedded metallic micro-meteorites.

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Comment citer
Etoubleau Joel, Bohn Marcel, Fouquet Yves, Cambon Pierre, Le Suave Raymond (2000). Apport des techniques par rayons X à la caractérisation des encroûtements cobaitifères océaniques. Journal De Physique Iv. 10 (P10). 363-374.,

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