Innovations and technical-economic aspects of structural and non-structural applications of composite materials on large passenger vessels and merchant ships.

Un intérêt considérable est porté à l'heure actuelle à la recherche, la conception et l'application pratique des matériaux composites dans la Division Merchant Shipbuilding de Fincantien. Cette communication a pour objet de présenter l'état de l'art et les innovations dans les applications pour les coques, équipements et cabines, avec la perspective de l'impact économique de ces matériaux sur la technologie, la production et les exigences de sécurité, qui reste un sujet de développements futurs.


Economie, Sécurité, Cabine, Equipement, Coque, Matériau composite

Considerable interest is presently being shown in research, design and practical application of composite materials within Fincantieri Merchant Shipbuilding Division. This paper is intended to discuss the state-of-the-art and the innovations in hull, outfitting and accommodation applications, where traditional steel or light alloy can be successfully replaced by composites. The impact on design and production is outlined, with an overview of the economic effects of these materials on technology, production and safety requirements, which remain an open subject for the future possible developments.


Safety devices, Accommodation, Ship technology, Ship design, Ship hulls, Composite materials

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How to cite
Maccari A, Farolfi F (1992). Innovations and technical-economic aspects of structural and non-structural applications of composite materials on large passenger vessels and merchant ships. Actes de colloques. Ifremer. Brest [ACTES COLLOQ. IFREMER.]. 1992.

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