Daily variations of the saccular endolymph and plasma compositions in the turbot Psetta maxima: relationship with the diurnal rhythm in otolith formation

We studied the circadian variations of the ionic composition ([Na+], [K+], [Cl-]), total CO2 ([tot CO2]), and protein concentration ([protein]) in the plasma and endolymph in the distal and proximal sides of the sacculus in the turbot Psetta maxima. Daily variations in total plasma calcium ([tot Ga]) were also recorded. Significant diurnal fluctuations occurred in most parameters and the spatial heterogeneity of the endolymph composition was maintained throughout a 24 h period. The main parameters implicated in otolith calcification, endolymph [tot CO2] and endolymph [protein], fluctuated diurnally, [tot CO2] was highest and [protein] lowest at night; the relative concentrations were reversed during the day. The inverse, alternating relationship of maximal and minimal [tot CO2] and [protein] implies that calcium carbonate and organic matrix rates of deposition vary in antiphase. We therefore propose that in the turbot P. maxima, in autumn, the incremental zone (L-zone) is formed at night whereas the discontinuous zone (D-zone) is formed during the daytime.


daily cycle, endolymph, otolith, chemical composition, teleost

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How to cite
Edeyer Anaick, de Pontual Helene, Payan P, Troadec Herve, Severe Armelle, Mayer-Gostan N (2000). Daily variations of the saccular endolymph and plasma compositions in the turbot Psetta maxima: relationship with the diurnal rhythm in otolith formation. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 192. 287-294. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps192287, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/10572/

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