Optimizing the design of acoustic surveys of Peruvian anchoveta
Acoustic surveys of stocks of small pelagic fish, in particular the Peruvian anchovy or anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), have been carried out off the coast of Peru since the late 1970s. In all, 51 of these have been carefully archived since 1983. The surveys provide a wealth of data on the distribution and abundance of pelagic fish in the most productive of the world's upwelling ecosystems. The data comprise integrated acoustic data at a resolution of 1 or 2 nautical miles along the cruise tracks, and trawl data, which include catch-by-species and catch-by-length information for anchoveta. Data since 1992 are sufficiently complete to allow a full re-evaluation of the surveys to determine their precision, taking account of the spatial variability of the catch and acoustic data. The methods used include bootstrap by trawl sample and transect segment, geostatistical simulation, and simulated surveys. The results reveal consistent spatial patterns of abundance with a more variable distribution of variance and a strong relationship between the local mean abundance and the variance. The temporal and spatial variabilities are considered in an evaluation of alternative survey designs, including pre-stratified and adaptive designs.
acoustic survey, anchoveta, anchovy, Peru Humboldt Current system, survey design