Dynamique des suspensions et des depots: Synthese des discussions

During the debate, the observations have dealt with balance-sheets, swell influence, sediment movements, and sedimentation flow deducted from suspensions studies. General remarks have been formulated, and a distinction of main fluvial mouths in the French littoral have been suggested.


Drowned valleys, Deltas, Estuaries, Coastal zone, Particle motion, Suspended particulate matter, Sediment dynamics

Texte intégral

81 Mo
Comment citer
Larsonneur C (1985). Dynamique des suspensions et des depots: Synthese des discussions. Actes de colloques. Ifremer. Brest [ACTES COLLOQ. IFREMER.]. 1986. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/1287/

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