L'aquaculture francaise en bref

Aquaculture in France is characterised by great species diversity. Furthermore, traditional activities (farming of marine shellfish and freshwater fish) coexist with still-developing recent ones (marine fish farming, new pratices in shellfish rearing, etc.). Traditional cultures are the main contributors to the tonnage produced and employment generated. Another noticeable point is the importance of the western part of the country, which carries the main part of the production (> 80 %): the Channel Atlantic coast for shellfish, and nearby rivers for freshwater salmonid farming. On the Mediterranean coast, marine fish farming of bass and bream, as well as shellfish production by new methods (mussels on longlines in open waters), are developing. Important figures for this sector are given in a table (yield, turnover, facilities and employment). General comments are provided for the main species, the present situation and trends for evolution. Lastly, it is seen that mariculture plays an important part in guaranteeing coastal zone development and environmental quality. These points should be taken into account as regulations evolve.


MED, France, ANE, France, France, Environmental protection, Coastal zone, Species diversity, Aquaculture

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Comment citer
Dosdat Antoine, Kempf Marc, Merceron Michel, Paquotte Philippe (1993). L'aquaculture francaise en bref. Actes de colloques. Ifremer. Brest [ACTES COLLOQ. IFREMER.]. 1994. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/1326/

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