Assessing the impact of different management options using ISIS-Fish*: the French Merluccius merluccius Nephrops norvegicus mixed fishery of the Bay of Biscay

In this paper, we present an approach to compare the impact of different management options oil the dynamics of a mixed fishery. We used ISIS-Fish, a simulation tool aimed at evaluating the impact of spatial and seasonal management measures on the dynamics of mixed fisheries. The French Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster) Merluccius merluccius (hake) mixed fishery of the Bay of Biscay was chosen as a Study case. First, we parameterised the Population and exploitation models. We then selected several management measures, including marine protected fishermen's reaction to each measure. Then, a sensitivity analysis (MPAs) and total allowable catches (TAC), and parameterised fish sensitivity analysis was performed according to a fractional factorial experimental design. Management scenarios were assessed and compared using a statistical simulation design. The sensitivity analysis showed the large influence of some parameters, Such as natural mortality, N. norvegicus fecundity, and catchability on both abundance and catches. Given model parameters, an improvement of trawl selectivity and several MPA designs (differing in size, seasonality and location) were found to result in a significant increase in abundance over 10 years, especially for N. norvegicus. This study illustrates the need for a pluri-specific approach to fisheries assessment and management.


Simulation design, Sensitivity analysis, Management measures, Spatial model, Fisheries dynamics

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How to cite
Drouineau Hilaire, Mahevas Stephanie, Pelletier Dominique, Beliaeff Benoit (2006). Assessing the impact of different management options using ISIS-Fish*: the French Merluccius merluccius Nephrops norvegicus mixed fishery of the Bay of Biscay. Aquatic Living Resources. 19 (1). 15-29.,

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