Diseases of cultured molluscs in Australia

Three mollusc species are cultured commercially in Australian tropical and warm temperate waters: the Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea commercialis , the pearl rock oyster is susceptible to two protozoans: Marteilia sydneyi , which is the cause of QX Disease and infects oysters during the summer; and Mikrocytos roughleyi which is associated with winter mortality. It also harbours mudworm, Polydora websteri a parasite farmers try to avoid by growing oysters on racks. Transported pearl oysters Pinctada maxima die with heavy infections of Vibrio harveyi . Cultured giant clams Tridacna gigas are pestered by pyramidellid snails and some carry Perkinsus sp., a protozoan common in reef bivalves. Deaths in mollusc hatcheries have been associated with Vibrio tubiashi Vibrio spp., and Alteromonas spp.


Protozoa, Alteromonas, Vibrio tubiashi, Perkinsus, Vibrio harveyi, Polydora websteri, Mikrocytos roughleyi, Saccostrea commercialis, Pinctada maxima, Tridacna gigas, Bivalvia, Parasites, Mortality, Pearl culture, Infectious diseases, Parasitic diseases

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How to cite
Lester R (1989). Diseases of cultured molluscs in Australia. Actes de colloques Ifremer, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 20 Feb - 4 Mar 1989, n°9, chap. 22, pp.207-216. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/1468/

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