Etude d'un Microorganisme de Type Chlamydien chez la Palourde Ruditapes Decussatus L.

The authors study a chlamydial micro-organism parasite of the digestive epithelium of the carpet shell Ruditapes decussatus. The action of this microorganism seems of little import : the intracellular infection is limited to a small number of cells and does not cause any serious lesion in the digestive epithelium.


Ruditapes decussatus, Digestive system, Lesions, Parasitism, Histology, Microorganisms, Diseases

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Comment citer
(1980). Etude d'un Microorganisme de Type Chlamydien chez la Palourde Ruditapes Decussatus L. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes. 44 (3). 285-287.

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