Contribution a l'etude de l'atresie ovocytaire chez Serranus cabrilla en captivite.

The oocyte atresia are studied in captive Serranus cabrilla Linne, and compared to the atresia which occur during corresponding cycle periods. Whereas physiological atresia are difficult to reveal, atresia in captivity depend on the capture period, laboratory conditions and on the duration of the experiment. The oocyte modifications are described and discussed.


Serranus cabrilla, Ovaries, Reproduction, Captivity, Diseases, Physiology

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Comment citer
Febvre Michèle (1975). Contribution a l'etude de l'atresie ovocytaire chez Serranus cabrilla en captivite. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes. 39 (3). 343-351.

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