Biologie et peche du 'balai' Hippoglossoides platessoides dans l'Atlantique du Nord-ouest.
The biology of the American plaice (the 'balai'), Hippoglossoides platessoides and its fishery in the N-W Atlantic are examined. A. Biology of the balai in relation to the fishery; (1) General distribution and maximum concentration. (a) Greenland, (b) Labrador, (c) Newfoundland, (d) Gulf of St. Lawrence, (e) Nova Scotia and U.S.A. (2) Factors influencing distribution. (a) Nature of bottom, (b) depth, (c) temperature. (3) Size distribution. B. The N-W Atlantic fishery. (1) Small-time fishery. (2) Commercial fishery. (3) Foreign fishery. C. Processing and marketing.
N W Atlantic, Hippoglossoides platessoides, Fishery, Biology
Minet Jean-Pierre, Poulard Jean-Charles (1972). Biologie et peche du 'balai' Hippoglossoides platessoides dans l'Atlantique du Nord-ouest. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes. 36 (3). 325-336.