La diatomee Navicula ostrearia Bory en baie de Bourgneuf

Previously, Navicula ostrearia B. has been described only from the Marennes-Oleron district of the Atlantic coast of France. However, this pennate diatom is also present In the Bay of Bourgneuf where breeding of green-gilled oysters were recognized in sea basins called oyster ponds. A short description of observations made with the optical microscope precedes description of high magnification examination of the frustule made with the scanning electron microscope. This combination of techniques shows a polymorphism between the external and internal surfaces of diatom valves.


North east Atlantic, France, Oyster pond, Microscopic observation, Polymorphomism, Diatom

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Comment citer
Robert Jean-Michel (1973). La diatomee Navicula ostrearia Bory en baie de Bourgneuf. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes. 37 (3). 363-368.

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